Christmas, Ghosts, and Haunted Houses – Links to My Articles and Reviews

“Tis the time of Christmas  season , FA LA LA LA LA…. and stuff

Deck the page with lovely reruns FA LA LA LA LA…. that’s  enough.”


Yes, this piece  will be another one of those posts littered with links to some of my past articles and reviews concerning Christmas and Spooky Stuff.  Forgive me, but keep in mind, so many established  entertainment  entities do this. Take SNL, they have their “Christmas  Special” where they regurgitate clips from past episodes. So..that’s what this article  is – it’s special! As Radiohead  so eloquently  phrases  it, “so fucking special!!”

The truth of the matter is that I’ve been busy, and I’ve faced certain  obstacles that have prevented  me from writing. I went travelling for a few days, so there’s that. Then there is the holiday season, which always works against ones normal, everyday  schedule. And then my computer went on the fritz. It took some time to get things up and working  again. But I’m here now, and Christmas  is several  days away , so here comes a Christmas – themed  post for ya-  An index of articles and reviews  that I have written pertaining  to haunted houses and the holidays. Enjoy!


christmas-ghost-story-3First on the list is this article – Christmas Ghosts and Haunted Houses.  I trace the history  of the Christmas  ghost story. By the article’s end, I  make the case for the Christmas  haunted  house, a unique  set up  where such a house can be distinguished  from other haunted  houses in literature.



Next, a review of A Strange Christmas Game by J H Riddell. This is a story  about ghosts strangechristmasgame2that recreate the events of a deadly game that occurred on a Christmas  Eve in the past.



smee-coverNext, there is story called Smee.  This is a review of a a very popular  Christmas  ghost (and haunted  house) story, at least according  to the number of hits this post receives all year long. Written by A. M Burrage, it is a story of a game of hide and seek in a big old house. A ghost joins in the game.



Finally, A Christmas haunted house story written by yours truly (hint: that’s me!). A greenghostchristmasfrightened  old man helplessly  tries to ward of all the ghosts that haunt his house  on Christmas  Eve. Please read my story –  Spirits in the Night, Exchanging Chances

A Season of Snow – Five Winter-Themed Haunted House Novels That I have Reviewed

Winter has come early for us here in the Midwest.  Our Thanksgiving meals had barely digested when  a Sunday night blizzard decided to breeze on by, treating us to a chilling coda of our holiday weekend.  The East Coast had it bad as well a couple weeks earlier with Winter Storm Avery. What are we to do when snowy weather traps us indoors? I know – read a book, a book topical to our situation. How about a novel about a haunted house that stands against a snowy, storm-laden background? You can’t go wrong with that!

I have reviewed at least five winter-themed haunted house novels. I will list them here – in this post – with links, descriptions and pictures – Oh boy!!  Please note: this is not a list of Christmas themed haunted house stories, for which I have written several reviews of various works.  These stories, which may or may not include the topic of “snow”, are for a different list, perhaps an upcoming list. Hmmm…..

Anyway, it’s time to bundle up in your favorite blanket, get all  cozy, and read some scary stories in the safety of your warm environment.  Enjoy!

Maynard’s House

MH4It’s more of a cabin really, but Maynard’s House, sitting there in the middle of nowhere in the snowy wilderness  is definitely haunted. At least it is to Austin Fletcher, a war-weary veteran of  the Vietnam War. who shacks up in this house during the brutal winter season. But is it is own tortured mind that churns out the hauntings?

Poor Austin has to contend with the workings of a witch in the woods, a haunted tree, a couple of “snow beings”, and a bear. A brilliant piece written by Herman Raucher.

Link to the review – HERE!!!

Buy it HERE on Amazon



Ghost Story Ghost-Story-Banner

An epic novel by Peter Straub. A small town is besieged by a snowstorm. Throw in a couple of vengeful spirits and we have quite that terrifying situation. This book has several haunted houses as the hauntings stretch far and wide – it is an epidemic, you see?  There are many characters so there are many fronts. I regret that my review fails to do this book justice. I think I even state that the movie is better. Perhaps that has changed, since the story still sits inside of me years after I have read it. Should I reread it? Uh, not tonight, there are about a thousand pages or so. But don’t let that scare you away – dive in! Oh and the movie is very good too.

Link to the review – HERE!!!

Buy it HERE on Amazon


A Winter Haunting

A Winter HauntingAuthor Dan Simmons follows the child characters of this book Summer of Night into adulthood with several subsequent works. A Winter Haunting is one of these works.

Dale Stewart is all grown up and he returns to his childhood town. There was that one fateful summer when all he and his friends wanted to do was ride bikes and explore the countryside. Yes they did these things, but they ended up being haunted by ghosts and different kinds of undead entities. Dale barely remembers the details of that summer. I guess it was too horrific for him. But something is not right in his adult life, so he returns, searching for answers.

Dale stays in the farm house of that once belonged to the family of his childhood friend that died that summer. That friend is there with him during his stay, although he doesn’t know this, not on a conscious level anyway. But us readers will know it, the friend introduces himself to us.

Dale stays from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day. He does a lot of “soul searching”. And he finds some souls, although not all of them are his own. A very, very interesting read!

Link to the review – HERE!!! 

Buy it HERE on Amazon


Rough Draft

Three authors, strangers to each other, meet in a cabin in the snowy, mountainous Rough Draftwoods to collaborate on a book. Oh but they are not alone!  Someone, of something, is watching them.  They see strange creatures out in the snow. They ride snow mobiles and encounter weird sights in the surrounding area.

Written by author Michael Robertson Jr., this is the shortest book on the list, and my least favorite of the five. But it is worth a read. Check it out!

Link to the Review – HERE!!!

Buy it HERE on Amazon



The Shining

The_Shining_by_Stephen_King_CoverDo I really have to explain this one? It’s my favorite book by Stephen King and my favorite haunted house novel in general. A family snowbound in the humongous, mountain-side Overlook Hotel. Jack Torrance, the father, goes mad and tries to kill his family – all because the hotel told him to do so. Bad hotel!

Maybe you the reader of this post are sick of seeing this book mentioned in lists pertaining to haunted houses. Maybe to you it is a cliché. But seriously, if you have seen the movie but have not yet read the book, you are doing yourself a disfavor. Correct this – now!

Link to the review – HERE!!!

Buy it HERE on Amazon

Twenty-One Books I Read in 2017


Another year is coming to an end. I asked myself, “What should be the subject of the last post of 2017?” Should I list the pros and cons of this year’s life events? Nah! Well, I should write some kind of anecdotal article about all those precious feeeeeeelings that stirred in my soul this year, shouldn’t I? Nah to that as well!  Hmmm. This was tough. How about an article about the books that I have read in 2017?  Sure, why not! But here are some reasons “why:”

  1.  It can serve as a nice literary recap.
  2. Also, I  can finally add another item to my blog category –Loving Those Lists; haven’t posted in the grouping lately.
  3. Besides, it will be fun.
  4. To top if off, I will get to be as cool as Author Alistair Cross; who listed the books he read on his FB page. (Two books that he co-authored are on my list)

I took an inventory and counted twenty-one books. I use the term “books” liberally as this list includes novellas and short story collections. At one point, I lump together three short stories as “one book,” although the total world could on these three probably doesn’t equate to a full length novel. In one book of stories, I had read about half of them, but what the heck, I list it as a finished reading because I’m just that kind of guy. Sue me!

Okay, ready? You are? Well good! Cause here we go, in order of sequence.

draculabandn21) Dracula by Bram Stoker

 I began Dracula in 2016 but I read most of it in 2017.  I loved the first two thirds of the book. This is where the suspense, description and actions is; the stuff of the story. The last third was a little “Blah”, filled with accounts of breakfasts and tedious dialogue. But the beginning makes up for the weaker end! I really loved the description of Dracula’s Castle, so much so that I wrote the article Dracula’s Castle 


ravencrest2) The Ghosts of Ravencrest by Tamara Thorne and Alistair Cross

 A modern book influenced by Gothic lore. It is filled with ghosts, witches, creatures, and good ol’ fashion S&M. Review is here  




Haunted23) Haunted by Tamara Thorne

Best selling author David Masters moves into a haunted California home by the ocean. The house is part of an odd seaside community that is a mixture of cantankerous yokels and new age flakes. Interesting read, review is here 



castleofotranto4) The Castle of Otranto – Horace Walpole

 This is where Gothic Literature begins. A kingdom, a castle. Princes and Princesses. Betrayal and murder. Ghosts. It was written in 1764. A tedious read, but an iconic book. Review is here 


BlairShawBooks5) The Haunting of Hainesbury House, Ingleton House, Bramley House – Blair Shaw

 These are actually three “sold separately” novellas. Or are they novelettes? Anyway, the formula for the three is the same – a single woman (recently widowed, divorced, etc.) begins a new life in a new house , which obviously ends up being haunted. Simple but enjoyable reads.  Here is the review.


LeFanuBook6) Best Ghost Stories – Joseph Le Fanu

When it comes to ghost stories, he is the master! I didn’t read all the stories in the this book but I read the following: Squire Toby’s Will, Schalken the Painter, Madam Crowl’s Ghost, Carmilla, Ghost Stories of the Tiled House and The Authentic Narrative of the Haunted House

I wrote a review of Carmilla, a story of a female vampire that predates Stoker’s Dracula, here at

And I wrote a an article about three of his haunted house stories here  


PhantomOfTheOperaBook7) The Phantom of the Opera – Gaston Leroux

Fantastic book, read most of it while in Paris, the city where this macabre tale takes place. Wrote an article about it here at



HeadfulOfGhosts8) A Head Full of Ghosts – Paul G. Tremblay

 Suspenseful tale of a possessed teenage girl. Or, is she? No matter, reality TV will exploit her. Interesting read.  I didn’t write a review



Seasons - Something Wicked9) Something Wicked Comes this Way – Ray Bradbury

 A carnival comes to town – to steal the life force of customers. This horror tale confronts the issue of the passing of time and the longing for youth. I write about the book here: 


 NYCTOPHOBIA Udder Cover10) Nyctophobia – Christopher Fowler

 Interesting story of a haunted house on the sunny cliffs of Spain. Unexpected ending. Review is here  




Seasons - Dandelion Wine11) Dandelion Wine – Ray Bradbury

 Reading Something Wicked Comes this Way left me desiring more from Bradbury. It is a summer kind of book and it was a nice summer read.  Nostalgia at its best. Of course I find a way to relate it to horror here 


Seasons - Summer of 4212) Summer of 42 – Herman Raucher

 Still in the mood of summer stories about youth, I went for this book and I loved it. A young boy falls for an older woman in this heartwarming yet sad tale. See this article as I compare themes of Summer of 42 with a later Raucher work.


MH213) Maynard’s House – Herman Raucher

 And…this is the later work.  From sandy beaches and beach houses to snowy terrains and haunted cabins.  A Vietnam veteran stuggles with PTSD in cabin isolated from civilization. Who are those strange visitors that come to him?  Read about here and here.


SylivaPlath14) The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath

Sometime this summer, I had a dream that I was taking a course and this was required reading. I decided to read it, just in case I ever have the same dream and find myself at the end of the course. It’s about a young woman’s struggle with identity and madness.


 SpeedDatingDead15) Speed Dating with the Dead – Scott Nicholson

Not literally! No one dates Jim Morrison, or Sylvia Plath, or Abe Lincoln. It’s about a paranormal convention at a hotel. Demons show up and the conventioneers just can’t seem to handle them. Read a review here


GhostsManor216) The Ghosts of Manor House – Matt Powers

 Shorter than a novel, longer than a novella, I helped Author Matt Powers promote his intriguing story about a house that is indeed alive. Read about it here  

The-Woman-In-Black17) The Woman in Black – Susan Hill

 This novella is a modern classic. Modern Gothic at is best. A young lawyer must search for legal papers in the house of his former client, now deceased. It’s a house in the countryside, surrounded my marshes, overcome by fog and other wraith-like things.

Here is a review  

WitchesRavencrest18) The Witches of Ravencrest – Tamara Thorne and Alistair Cross

 Sequel to The Ghosts of Ravencrest. First we learn of the ghosts. Then we learn more about the witches that conjure and communicate with these spirits. Read my review here 


sentinel-book19) The Sentinel – Jeffery Konvitz

 I saw the film starring the late, great Burgess Meredith. Finally in 2017 I read Konvitz’s iconic novel about an apartment complex with a strange blind priest that “stares” out the window of his unit. Strange things are afoot in this building.  Tenant Allison Parker can attest to that!  Review is forthcoming.


summer of night - dan simmons - uk pbk20) Summer of Night – Dan Simmons

I should have read this in the summer. It too would have fulfilled last summer’s yearning for tales of young boys in their summer months. It’s a long read but well worth it. Several boys in the summer of 1960 encounters very ghoulish things in their own home town of Elm Haven. Review is forthcoming.


Julia_PeterStraub_15621)  Julia – Peter Straub

 I still have one or two more chapters to go. I probably won’t finish this until 2018, but the bulk of the book I read in 2017 so I am allowed to put it on this list (Yes I am!) From the author of Ghost Story comes another tale of specters and haunted houses.  A review is forthcoming.



Top 50 Horror Films

This is NOT a list of my favorite haunted house films.  This is a list of my favorite films from the horror genre in general.

#50 Friday the 13th, Part III  topmovies50fridaythe13thpart3 #49 Dawn of the Dead   topmovies49dawnofthedead

#48 Fun House  topmovies48funhouse#47 Return of the Living Deadtopmovies47returnofthelivingdead#46 The Orphanage topmovies46theorphanage#45 Nosferatu topmovies45nosferatu#44 Let the Right One In topmovies44lettherightonein#43 The Old Dark House topmovies43theolddarkhouse#42 The Phantom of the Opera topmovies42phantomoftheopera#41 The Houses October Built topmovies41thehousesoctoberbuilt#40 Hellraiser topmovies40hellraiser#39 Basket Case topmovies39basketcase

#38 Dracula topmovies38dracula#37 Suspiria topmovies37suspiria#36 The Mist topmovies36themist#35 The Conjuring topmovies35theconjuring#34  The Innocents topmovies34theinnocents#33 The Invisible Man topmovies33theinvisibleman#32 Ju-On: The Grudge topmovies32juonthegrudge#31 Psycho topmovies31psycho#30 1408 06714CMX01B

#29 The Legend of Hell House topmovies29thelegendofhellhouse#28 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari topmovies28thecabinetofdrcaligari#27 The Babadook topmovies27thebabadook#26 Ringu topmovies26ringu#25 The Conjuring 2 topmovies25conjuring2#24 Saw topmovies24saw#23 Rosemary’s Baby topmovies23rosemarysbaby#22 The House at the End of Time topmovies22thehouseattheendoftime#21 The Bride of Frankenstein topmovies21brideoffrankenstein#20 The Sixth Sense Frightened By His Paranormal Powers 8 Year Old Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment Is Too Young To Unders#19 The Others topmovies19theothers#18 Phantasm topmovies18phantasm

 #17 The Thing topmovies17thething

 #16 The Shining topmovies16theshining#15 The Exorcist topmovies15theexorcist#14 Nightmare on Elm Street topmovies14nightmareonelmstreet#13 Re-Animator topmovies13reanimator#12 Paranormal Activity topmovies12paranormalactivity#11 The Haunting topmovies11thehaunting#10 The Witch topmovies10thewitch#9 Evil Dead 2topmovies9evildead2#8 Insidious topmovies8insidious#7 A Carnival of Souls topmovies7carnivalofsouls#6 Evil Dead topmovies6evildead#5 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre topmovies5texaschainsawmassacre#4 Night of the Living Dead topmovies4nightofthelivingdead#3 Frankenstein topmovies3frankenstein #2 Carrie topmovies2carrie#1 Halloween topmovies1halloween

Back to the Summer of 1985 – Retro Movies

back-to-the-future-2Everything is a buzz with Back to the Future  these days. Go to and you will see the words “The Future is now!”  Back in 1985, time travelers Marty McFly and Doctor Emmett Brown traveled to the seemingly “far away future” of 2015.  This was after several misadventures in the year 1955 where Marty almost fucked the future up by nearly erasing himself and his siblings out of existence. But they straightened all that out, and at the end of the movie….WHEEEE! They took their time traveling DeLorean to the real future – 2015.  They had gone thirty years back and then thirty years forward. What a deal!

Back to the Future was the best movie of the summer of 85 in my opinion. I admit that, before seeing it, I was skeptical. Yeah yeah, “that guy” is good at playing Alex P Keaton on Family Ties (I’m not even sure I knew the name Michael J Fox yet!), but does he deserve his own movie?  It turns out, he did. He was great. I believe I sat through several viewings of BTTF at the Norridge Theater, a suburb of the northwest side of Chicago. So many memories that summer!  And now that far away future that was depicted in the movie is here. How time flies!  “Literally” flies, according to the movie. The DeLorean lifted into the air as Doc Brown gave his famous line, “where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”

The Internet is filled with jokes about how the year 2015 was depicted in the Back to the Future series.  Flying cars taking precedent over road bound vehicles, hover boards replacing skate board, teenagers wearing silly silver hats and other gaudy costumes. Yeah we didn’t achieve any of that (thank god we missed out on that dress style) But remember, back in 1985, we didn’t know about any of that either. This “future” was not presented to moviegoers until 1989 – the year Back to the Future II  came out.  So it’s sort of a misplaced association to unite those scenes with the thirty-year movie anniversary. But I digress.

Summer of 1985 – it was one of my favorites.  Fresh out of the 8th grade, the exciting future of high school was a couple months away and in between was some kind of magical moratorium that remains forever in my memories.  First dates, first buzzes, first…well, a lot of firsts.  Anyway, a big part of that summer was going to the movies. We would pay a cheap price for the first movie of the day, see it, and then cross over the ropes into other theaters.  One day I was at the theater complex for twelve hours, from 11:00 AM to 11:00PM.

I just want to give a run down of some of the other films I saw that summer.  They might not have had the same appeal as Back to the Future, nor did they point to this wonderful current year of 2015, but they deserve an honorable mention. Okay, some of the films I am going to mention are downright silly, but oh well!  They served me well for that innocent time of my life and so I am thankful for their existence.

Secret Admirer

Yeah so, I remember very little about this movie.  In fact, I remember nothing about it.  I only remember that I saw it and then stayed around for the next movie that was to come on after this was finished.

But lookie! It’s free on YouTube.  I wasted $2.50 on this movie when I could have waited thirty years to see it free on you tube!


This is the movie they were showing after “The Secret Admirer.”  Again, I remember very little.  It had John Travolta as a reporter for Rolling Stone magaizne and Jamie Lee Curtis as an aerobic instructor at a health club.  They did stuff.


Once again, I remember very little about this movie. I just remember Chevy Chase being in another country and declaring out loud to a crowd “We’re Americans!”  I think he was then tied to post, set on fire, or something.

And wouldn’t ya know it – it’s free on Youtube! Another two dollars and fifty cents I wasted thirty years ago.

Return of the Living Dead

This movie I remember.  I remember loving it! Went out and bought the soundtrack too!  Who could forget this song:

The Heavenly Kid

Here’s the third movie I could have seen for free had I waited thirty years! I do remember this. I do remember liking it. Why did I like it? I was young.

And look why I just discovered.  The mother who had The Heavenly Kid’s son?  She would go on to be the mother of Malcolm in the Middle!

Teen Wolf

Two Michael J Fox films in one summer!  I thought this was the shit! When he said to the liquor store man “Give me..a keg..of beer!”  Fantabulous!  Every fourteen year old kid wanted to be able to say that to a liquor store guy!  Well, put it this way, every fourteen year old kid that hung out with me wanted the power to intimidate a grown up into selling them beer!

Weird Science

I remember this and I still love it. I own it and rewatch it every few years.  Actually, I don’t think I’ve put this on for quite a while.  It’s time to schedule it in.


Summer Rental

John Candy got a bad case of sunburn.  He and his family settled in to the wrong cabin/cottage.  That’s about all I remember of this flick.

The Oscars – Who is “Oscar?” I Don’t Know, But Hey…Check out these 10 Famous “Oscars”

The 2015 Academy Awards is about to be unleashed onto the airwaves. Year after year it takes us by storm, and we wonder who will win the Oscars. In the middle of all this anticipation, did you ever stop and wonder why that golden statue bears the name Oscar? What’s that? You never really cared enough to contemplate that question? Well too bad for you, because I’m going to give you a non-answer to the question.

Who is Oscar? It’s a name you rarely hear. Maybe you have met one Oscar in your lifetime, possibly two but that is doubtful. What’s that? Someone objects?   Maybe it’s you. You come to his blog, fighting to disagree, with a whole list of “Oscar” acquaintances to back you up in this brawl. Well aren’t you special! Okay, I’ll allow for the fact that there is someone out there that knows three or more Oscars. Some weird ass anomaly of a person has an Uncle Oscar, a neighbor named Oscar. This person regularly chats with Oscar the Mailman, has a goldfish named Oscar, and so on. But I tell you that the name is rare (as opposed to “well-done”).   So how did this rare name get attached to the golden statue?

Academy Award historians (I don’t even know if such a group of historians exist, I just made it up) can’t even agree on the origins of the name. Bette Davis claims that the statue is named after one of her husbands – Harmon Oscar Nelson. He was this bandleader guy.  Others claim that the Academy’s executive secretary, one Margaret Herrick, named the statue after her Uncle Oscar back in 1931. Whatever the history, we are stuck with the name. I see no movement in the foreseeable future to changing the name to “Irving” or “Fred” or even “Barney”.

Anyway, I got to thinking – How many Oscars do I know? There was this one guy who worked with me at Kmart way back when who was named Oscar. So there- I filled my Oscar quota for my lifetime. Of course, there are all these famous Oscars running around out there in the media. Some are alive, some are dead. Some are fictional, some are not. Some are obvious, some are rather obscure.

I could only think of ten famous Oscars, not including the golden statue. Okay, so maybe you know of more. Well goodie for you! What I’m going to do is compare and contrast these 10 Oscars with the Oscar ceremony and statue.   Don’t think it can be done? Sure it can! And here I go!

Oscar De La Renta – known for creating oh so lovely designs of fashion


Oscar De La Renta is a famous dead fashion designer.

The Oscars – spawn fashions that are often dead on arrival


Oscar Pistorious – famous/infamous Olympian


The Oscars have been postponed because of the shooting of Ronald Reagan and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Oscar Pistorious’s Olympic career has been postponed indefinitely because he murdered his girlfriend.


Popeye's Oscar

 Oscar from Thimble Theater (a.k.a Popeye) – Popeye’s bald, buck toothed friend


The Oscar statuette is thought to be the most recognizable trophy in the world

Popeye’s Oscar is the least recognizable cartoon character in the world.


 oscar madison

Oscar Madison – The slob sportswriter from “The Odd Couple”, played by Walter Matthau (Movie) Jack Klugman (TV) (pictured above)


Oscar Madison had to put up with Felix Unger, an annoying roommate who overstayed his welcome

The Oscars had the same problem with Billy Crystal, who hosted way too many shows.


Oscar the Grouch

Oscar The Grouch – Sesame Street’s crabby muppet


Oscar The Grouch loves his trash

So do The Oscars (Titanic anyone?)


Oskar Schindler

Oskar Schindler – German industrialist who is credited with saving the lives of 1200 Jews


Liam Neeson won the role of Oskar Schindler and won the Oscar statue for this role



Oscar De La Hoya – Retired Mexican-American boxer


Oscar De La Hoya is known as “The Golden Boy”

The Oscar Statue is A Golden Man



Oscar Meyer

Oscar Mayer – German immigrant famous for creating the Oscar Mayer Weiner


One of these Oscars gathers together the foulest organs of swine

and the other makes sausages


Oscar Goldman

Oscar Goldman – Steve Austin’s boss on the Bionic Man


Oscar Goldman presides over a Six Million Dollar Man

The Oscars preside over a six billion dollar industry



Oscar Wilde – an Irish writer and poet of the of the last half of the 19th century


Oscar Wilde wrote “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”

That about sums up the sentiments of those watching the Oscars.



#1 – Star Wars Action Figures and Playsets (Top 25 Favorite Vintage Toys)

To be perfectly honest, it wasn’t George Lucas the filmmaking genius that attracted me to Star Wars.  It was George Lucas the marketing genius that roped me in.  In 1977, like most kids my age (I was six), I saw the movie.  Yes I liked it, but it was just some movie.

One day I was next door at my neighbor lady’s house, playing with her visiting grandson who was about my age. She had a present for him. He opened it, and as typical with little kids, he wasn’t shy about expressing disappointment.

“Grandma! I already have Darth Vader!”

He already had it. I did not. I didn’t have any Star Wars toys.  I hadn’t even thought about collecting them.  So the neighbor lady gave me the Darth Vader.  Well, I knew I couldn’t just have one Star Wars character.  I asked my parents for more. Next came R2D2 and C3PO.  That Christmas, under the tree from Santa, there was The Death Star Space station along with Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia.

From that point on, I was hooked! I could barely remember the Star Wars plot. I acquired comic books and did what I could to research the story.  More toys came my way, more play sets.  Finally, the movie came back to the theaters. I saw it again and I loved it!!!!   It’s a love I still have to this day!

#2 – MEGO Super Heroes (Top 25 Favorite Vintage Toys)

I do believe I had every hero and villain shown in this video and many more.  They came in rectangular cardboard boxes; about half the size of a Kleenex box. At the store they were stacked on top of each other. It was fun tearing apart the toy aisle to see what each box contained.

Besides super heroes and their respective villains, I had characters from other series: Wizard of Oz, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Starsky and Hutch, Welcome Back Kotter, Archie Andrews and Jughead, The Rookies. And oh so many more!

#3 – Fisher Price Letter Magnets and Desk (Top 25 Favorite Vintage Toys)

Earlier on this list there were letter blocks. Now here come the letter magnets.  This is higher up because I remember playing with these more than the blocks.  For some reason, letters fascinated me.  I even remember assigning gender and personality to certain letters.  I remember reading over and over an Electric Company book where some Super Gorilla had to save the planet from the evil “silent e”. These “e’s” kept placing themselves at the end of certain words; turning a can into a cane, a pan into a pane.

I also had the desk shown in the video. The drawers of the desk were a great place to keep all these wonderful letters.  They came in various colors.  If I focused, I bet I could remember what color each letter was.  A was red, B was orange……E was blue, F was purple.  And I won’t go any further, you get the point.

#4 – Fisher Price Playsets (Top 25 Favorite Vintage Toys)

These were the best! I had a bunch of Fisher Price “Wooden People” Playsets: a house, farm, school, village, cruise ship, and of course, the castle which is shown in this video.  The castle was the best. It had a trap door which led to a dungeon. It had a cave where a dragon dwelled. It had a draw bridge and staircase that opens.  Also, there was a king, queen, knight, robin hood character and horse and buggy. (Basically everything you saw in the video)